Beauties from Alfons |
After my sick time splurge I thought I had better lay off the purchasing for a bit lest Mrs S prevent my recovery with a little murder. After a suitable break of a month and a bit it was time to get some more beauties. I placed an order with the amazing Alfons Eyckmans on New Years day and he took just under a month to make them for me.
The cubes are Anke's cube (L) and Arne's cube (R).
Back 3 are (L to R) Abby's conundrum, Dirty Dozen and Dragonfly 19.
Front 2 are (L to R) Teetotum and Two Keys.
This lot should keep me going for a while - I have definitely lost most of my burr solving skills and am really no good at these now! Hopefully I will manage them without Burrtools.
Yin Yang Puzzle box |
Yes I know I don't routinely collect puzzle boxes but when an offer from Robert Yarger comes in I don't question it, I just open my bank account! Another reason to get this is that it is the last creation from the Late Randall Gatewood which was completed by Robert. I don't own anything by Randall and thought I should correct that whilst I can. This box is large and heavy and very beautiful!
Modified version of Coffin's Pieces of Eight |
I failed to win most things at the recent Haubrich auction but I did manage to get a rather unusual copy of Coffin's Pieces of eight puzzle. Allard loved his original copy and reviewed it
here - when I saw this at auction I couldn't resist and got it for a very reasonable final bid.
Don't tell Mrs S but there might be another parcel in transit from Aaron Wang too.