Upcoming puzzles from the New Pelikan Workshop |
We have (from the back Left to Right):
Camel Ride by Stephan Baumegger (a 12 piece burr with a character inside)
Galaxies by Alexander Magyarics (a packing puzzle through an odd shaped
Fermat by Dr Volker Latussek (a packing puzzle with prism shapes
and the usual box)
All tetra pod by Osanori Yamamoto (a new shaped
packing puzzle)
Palace by Oasnori Yamamoto (a new variant of packing
Play-boy 2 by Alexander Magyarics (a packing puzzle based on a
triangular grid)
Lutz by Dr Volker Latussek (a sliding piece puzzle)
by Osanori Yamamoto (a take apart puzzle with rotations)
Web 3 by Dan
Fast (a grid assembly puzzle)
All these are gorgeous and beautifully made - I have had time to only photograph and have a little fiddle so far!