Tricolore |
I might have been a bit bad! Mrs S has been in a forgiving mood recently after our trip to Edinburgh where she might have done some expensive shopping, so I chanced my arm and ordered some toys whilst the brownie points are still working! Above is Tricolore designed by Frans de Vreugt - a brilliant 6 piece board burr made by
Brian Menold from Padauk, Holly, Wenge and Katalox. It is supposed to have some really unusual moves during the solve.
Burr Noose |
Burr Noose by Tom Jolly is part of a series of puzzles which I seem to have missed out on so I remedied that with this one. Pieces made from Ash, Osage Orange, Iroko, Lacewood, Padauk and Tzalm with Holly rings (the noose).
Trilogy |
This puzzle was designed by my very good friend Tzy Hung Chein and is effectively 3 puzzles in one with levels of or or depending on the arrangement of the boards. This copy has Walnut Pieces with Ash, Cherry and Holly boards. Beautiful!